What packages we offer:
Decentralized solutions (roof Top):
Rather than relying on large, centralized networks, our decentralized, low-cost solution will reach hundreds of thousands of households.
- Package 3-5 bulbs and mobile charger
- Package for 3-5 bulbs, mobile charger, TV/Radio Charger and Fan charger
- Package with additional requirements including AC/Refrigerators/Water Pump etc
Each package will have the following items:
- Solar Panels
- Batteries
- Bulbs/Tubes
- Multi-device charger
- Inverters for AC current
- Controllers
- Charging cables
We supply to:
- Households
- Shops
- Religious Centers
- Village Cooperatives
- Hospitals
- Schools and Colleges
- Private and Public Offices
- Farmers – Solar Pumps
Additionally we supply: