Design and supply of materials of all the sites at a centralized store .
Installation and commissioning of the remote monitoring system.
Cloud application development.
Maintenance scope:
Trouble shooting and rectification of site fault.
Replacement and repair of faulty component within warranty period.
Maintenance of cloud application.
The following items are excluded from our maintenance scope:
Faulty component repair and replacement after warranty period.
Rectification of any component or fault due to miss handling or tampering of the system and natural calamities, force rnajeure, act of god.
System details:
The level of the tank is monitored through suitable level sensor and the DG on/off status and EDGE on/off status is incorporated in order to get the status of each location.
The above data are gathered through a data concentrator with 2G GSM based wireless connectivity.
The data are stored in a cloud server over web. The suitable dashboard and other screens and reports are generated in cloud platform and pilferage detection and fuel management requirement.
System Features:
Individual site based level and EDGE power and DG status.
Consolidated data monitoring for alt the sites.
Graphical trend for each site for the fuel level.
Alarm generation in case of certain decrease of fuel level in the tank.
Alarm generation in case both EDGE Supply and DG are both on.
Alert generation in case of fuel level dips below preset level as a notification of fuel top up requirement.
Daily, weekly, monthly and yearly report generation.
Site wise anomaly analysis,
Mobile SMS alert in designated mobile.
We are partnering with some of the most renowned Global Companies.